The Ogun EHOAN V.P. & P.R.O. at a function to sensitize people on the need to emulate cleaner environment
Environmental Health Officers are very
friendly professionals with the singular aim
of ensuring that your *Environment is safe and healthy* to live in.The Environmental
Health Officer loves you and ensures that:
1.) You keep your environment clean at all
2.) Your children's school environment is
clean, healthful suitable for better learning
to take place.
3. Your food and food premises are always
very hygienic and disease free so you do not
eat contaminated or unhealthy food and fall
Environmental Health Officers carrying out decontamination exercise at Sacred Heart hospital, Lantoro ABEOKUTA.
4. Your wastes and indeed the city's wastes
are sanitarily collected and disposed of
regularly so you don't get infected as a
result of poor waste management.
5. Your work place is healthy and safe from
nuisances and other risks/health hazards
associated with your work place.
6. Your building plan and house/housing is
safe for habitation
7. collect and dispose of your sewage
sanitarily to avoid diseases associated with
feacal contamination in your environment.
8. Your Environmental problems and
complaints are properly investigated and
abated to ensure you live a healthy life.
9. Your drains are flowing properly so
mosquitoes don't give you malaria and
other diseases.
10. Proper health education to boost better
living condition in your area.
11. Etc! etc!! etc!!!
With all the above duties, tell me, who loves
you better than the ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH
The Environmental Health Officer is your best
friend, and not your enemy. Obey him for
better health and living quality of life.
You can give any environmental health complain to the Ogun P.R.O. of Environmental Health officers via this number through text message and action will be taken immediately.
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