.......towards accurate information services


Friday 14 October 2022


Our attention have been drawn to a slanderous statement made by Hon. Kolawole Lawal Mobolorunduro, in an attempt to cast aspersion on the credible track records of Hon. Abiodun Isiaq Akinlade.

In a now viral video, the honourable representing Egbado South/Ipokia constituency at the Federal House of Representatives made a distasteful comment about Hon. Akinlade which reeks of outright mischief and sheer deceit in aimed to hoodwink the unsuspecting electorates and hide his ineffectiveness at the green chamber.

KLM feebly tried to wish away the countless  dividends of democracy being enjoyed by the general public through the proactiveness of Hon. Akinlade.
Particularly, he tried to water down the many visible and known job facilitations of Hon. Akinlade. Funny enough, there are many known job provision beneficiaries even within Kolawole Lawal Mobolorunduro's hometown.
This misguided statement is unworthy of a the revered Federal House of Representatives and an embarrassment to our National Democracy.

Indeed, 'Small minds discuss people' just as Eleanor Roosevelt rightly said and this deliberate statement is truly a confirmation.
Rather than focus on his primary assignment in the chamber and use his scorecard to convince the people, he resorted to disparage the reputable person of Hon. Akinlade who is clearly enjoying public goodwill due to his undeniably commendable track record.
This cheap shot is nothing but that of a sinking man who is trying to grasp straw as he has delivered less than 1% of his campaign promises.

It is no news that KLM is one of the few useless  Member of the hallowed chamber who only feed fat on the numerous benefits without commensurate impacts on the constituents.
It's therefore ridiculous that a public office holder with no obvious achievement  in all the major sectors is now deriding a working public servant.
We therefore challenge KLM to publish his uninflated scorecard and tell the world what he has been able to achieve with the commonwealth entrusted to him.

Finally, we admonish Hon. Akinlade to remain steadfast and consolidate on his enviable antecedent by delivering even more for his constituents.
Regardless of detractors and naysayers, the National leadership of Ogun State Students is in full cognizance of your giant strides and humanitarian efforts within the students and youths sectors.
Consequently, we shall always solidarise and come out en masse in your support whenever required.

God bless Ogun State!
God bless Ogun State Students!

Comrade Ogunronbi, Oluwagbemileke Emmanuel (O'Leke).
National President,
National Association of Ogun State Students.
0809 376 6775.

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